Saturday, January 8, 2011

red desk


  1. A red desk, the color of the very passion. Like, I want to think and imagine, the many many things and words that were written over it.
    And now, lying under the snow.
    What a luck, red desks needs no coats, gloves or scarfs :)
    Have a good sunday Robert friend.

  2. Cool effects! Won't ask how, it's enough just to admire and absorb...

  3. after the bears do their business, they must sit for a cuppa and write the great Canadian novel there

    ...when they're not sleeping, that is

  4. This image appeals to me very much....secretive
    The colors together and the light is beautiful

    Many greetings


  5. Tom makes me laugh, Alberto - soften that to a smile.

    And then I laugh again. Why the heck do we have a red desk in our front yard? And why, just why does that seem normal to us?

    We move slowly through our lives, you and I. This desk here beneath the snow represents this, and the red, our passion.

    Simple photo that speaks so much.


  6. Alberto - Thank you and your passionate mind.

    Gabriella - i will say that with a nasty ass camera you just have to do what you can to get an image. i laugh. thank you very much.

    Tom - to cold here now but i can see them, all pipe smoke and glasses at the ends of their noses. ha!

    Trevor - and as you see the desk is piled with work.

    Luis - thank you my friend.

    Thank you Susanne.

    erin - what! it is not normal.
    i like it there.
    see it everyday as who we are.
    i like the red passion part. Whoa!
    i love you.

  7. You are a skilled photographer, Robert.

    The weather-beaten feel of this appeals to me. Not to mention the red.

    I have to wonder what you keep in those drawers.
    My uncle has an old desk outside his tool shed. It's full of nails and screws. It's a mess, but a beautiful mess if you ask me.

    I'm telling you this to testify to the validity of your statement: it's perfectly normal.

  8. Andreas - Thank you. i like you coming to my sites. You add something rich here, bring in you own pasts and thoughts. Again thank you.

  9. It's beautiful! I was offline for awhile, but all those beautiful photographs overhere i didn't see yet, makes me happy. It's great to go to sleep now with all those beautiful images in my mind.

    Sweet greetz, Monica

  10. A very striking photo. I lovae that particular color of red.

  11. I really like the intense red colour. Very nice photo! :-)

