i stand at the car and kiss you goodbye
she sticks her tongue out, devil girl
he, shy in the backseat looks on in understanding
waiting for their drive to school
i wave and turn and go to the fence
watching for the car
wave and wave again
turn again and head inside
the house so empty
as i sit here and explode in the loneliness
of your absences
the door opens and
you are here
caught me
catching tears
in my mustache
you see me
a man as i am
endured third largest truck
and six meter high seas
you see me
catching tears
you sit on my lap
tell me how you couldn't leave just then
we speak
i explain how much i love you all
how unexpected these feelings are
so deep
"i have to go now; will you walk me to the car?"
we dance on the front lawn
to the car radio
hold each other
so gentle.
the goodbye is sweeter as i go back to the fence
i wave
jump and wave.
i think of how i have to tell them
she will become a very beautiful woman one day
in so many ways
and he will help people and find joy
and great purpose in doing so
how much
a man as i
can love them.
and when they come to visit with stories
of their lives
we will stand at the fence you and i
and cry at
their goodbyes
dance in the front yard
walk hand in hand
where you will sit on my lap
and we will catch tears together
in a few years.